Site Guide » About imood is where you come to keep in touch with how you and your friends are feeling. It is our hope that this website will evolve into an educational center for learning about our feelings and engaging them in healthy, exciting ways. We also hope that this site will help bring a human face to the Internet. That is our mission."Let me get a little more philosophical" (a note from Andrew)
Somewhere in a piece of text on a previous incarnation of this page I said that if I could catalyze one communication between friends (or strangers!) because of this site then all the time spent on this site would have been worth it. And I still stick by that statement though I personally think the positive good that can come out of imood (and projects like this) can be much more far reaching.
This is just a first step for me personally in helping humanity understand how intrinsically beautiful it is and how wonderous it really is to be alive. There will be bigger things to follow.
But the sort of information that imood provides (your moods, feelings) needs to become UBIQUITOUS. People need to get used to seeing this sort of information all the time. Like an email address or a URL. The more people can associate the people on the end of the phone lines as PEOPLE the more we really can start to behold OUR humanity and everything that goes along with that.
So to do that I'd like to see these "mood bits" get picked up by other companies. I'd like it to be integrated with AOL instant messaging, ICQ, MSN, search engines, etc. The more we think about ourselves as humans the more we love each other and the less we fight and hate. I firmly believe this.
So imood is sort of a natural step in that direction. Yeah, you're "" thats only 1 dimension, oh but you're feeling inspired as well, now that's 2 dimensions. Now I see start to see some depth. Now I start to get a glimpse of WHO YOU ARE.
I should clarify. This really is an extra dimension. Being able to see and hear someone is in the first dimensional plane. It's just sensory input. It tells me nothing about you, and if it does tell me something about you then I'm probably generalizing from some stereotype that I shouldn't be generalizing from. Adding this 2nd dimension shows me that you are an individual being, and more precisely what you the individual being are like at THIS moment. And the fact that this information is ever changing helps me to think of you as a new person full of new experiences at EVERY MOMENT. I won't take you for GRANTED. Now I can bypass those stereotypes because I can see that you are feeling frustrated which is something I can relate to. Get it?
Live well, be happy and do what you will!
Andrew SchulakThe people responsible for imood
Special Thanks
Jesse Chan-Norris Babysitting, HTML & Perl, Database, Web Hosting, That initial push... Jesse is the co-founder and lead developer at Indaba Music, a community of musicians. He loves New York City and all the moods it contains. Andrew Schulak V1, Design, HTML & Perl Code, Some Database Andrew is a techie, foodie, gamer, aspiring writer, and always, a Lover of Cleveland.
Jesse Kurlancheek The Database Jesse is a true junglefighter. He is probably out galavanting around the high seas like a salty pirate... but in his heart of hearts, what he really wants is to be a ninja... Matt Chotin Buttons, Images and Color Suites Matt is currently living in San Francisco. Winners of the imood face contest